Dr Amanda Gummer and Anna Taylor

Dr Amanda Gummer and Anna Taylor

Dr Amanda Gummer (left) and Anna Taylor (right) are two of the psychologists at Fundamentally Children, a research consultancy specialising in play, parenting and child development. The popular website www.fundamentallychildren.com is home to the Good Toy Guide and Good App Guide and provides advice, independent product reviews and much more to parents, carers and educators. Amanda has over 25 years working with children and families and has developed the parent-centred parenting model of family life. Anna has been with Fundamentally Children since she graduated and has been a driving force behind the increasing links between education and play that Fundamentally Children campaigns for.

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Friday, 17 February 2017 11:00

Is play-based learning a waste of time?

The idea of playing games in the classroom may cast pictures of upturned tables and students running around shouting into your mind. How could this chaos possibly be learning? With so much pressure to get through lots of information in every lesson, we return to the old myth that ‘playing is a waste of time’.

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