Chris Cooper

Chris Cooper

Chris Cooper is a cofounder of Edval and the CEO of Edval UK, and has authored many published thought-leadership articles on timetabling. As a senior consultant, he has advised the government and large educational entities on projects, and gives lectures on timetabling philosophy. Chris is active in empowering women through flexible working, smarter timetabling, and reduced teacher workload - both current focus areas of DfE.

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Thursday, 02 August 2018 10:00

A guide to part-time staff and timetables

Part-time staff may be seen as an obstacle, difficult and time-consuming to accommodate effectively within the timetable. This is largely a falsehood. By rethinking the problem and identifying innovative solutions, part-time staff can be seen as an asset, not an obstacle. This year, open up exciting new opportunities for part-time staff with smarter timetabling.

Bullying is a difficult problem. Limiting mobile phones or blocking social media can reduce cyberbullying, but not anti-social behaviour in classrooms. Curriculum-based anti-bullying strategies are not usually the first approaches that schools consider, but they can have a major impact, and are likely to save you money! Consider these smarter, budget-effective timetabling approaches and reduce bullying in your school.

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