Dr Asha Patel

Dr Asha Patel

Clinical psychologist Dr Asha Patel is CEO of Innovating Minds. She is also a consultant at MINTclass, a secure system that extracts the relevant student data from the School Information Management System (SIMS or such like), and displays it on student cards for the teacher’s reference, all in a customisable classroom layout.

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Wednesday, 06 June 2018 10:00

Seating plans: Weddings vs classrooms

Seating plans for a classroom are even more complicated than organising who sits where at a wedding reception. Like so much else in education, you need to define your objectives. It is not just about making sure sworn enemies are not seated side-by-side. Instead, you have to think about the individual needs. Is the child with ADHD better sitting right in front of you, where you can keep an eye on them, or by a wall where they only have a child on one side of them? Is it best to have a child who experiences sensory overload in a quiet area, on a separate single table, or should you put them with a small, sympathetic group who may be able to provide support?

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