Anthony Von Bank

Anthony Von Bank

Dr. Anthony VonBank has served the education field for over fifteen years, most of which has been in the secondary school classroom teaching English, communications, or technology to adolescent learners. He has also presented a variety of instructional technology topics at workshops and conferences (both regional & national), and has taught educational leadership classes at Minnesota State University. He currently serves as a technology integration specialist in Princeton, MN, where he lives with his wife and three children

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How are cloud-based technologies being used in the US education system? Edtech expert Anthony VonBank discusses the opportunities afforded to American schools, and the pros and cons of each.

[As seen in the February 2014 edition of our magazine]

It’s not hard to see why cloud-based productivity tools are a hit with educators and students. With a minimum of setup time, teachers can share documents from a variety of formats, allow them to manipulate the documents in real time, and make copies for their own records. Students can work collaboratively on documents and presentations, create surveys and operate spreadsheets from different computers, anywhere in the world, in live time.

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