Kim Arazi

Kim Arazi

Originally from Canada, Kim Arazi is an entrepreneur who is passionate about people – she loves meeting them, talking to them, connecting them, listening to them, learning from them, helping them and inspiring them. After years spent developing successful children’s television series for the BBC, ITV and Nickelodeon, Kim went on to produce innovative events in the mobile technology sector, bringing international industry leaders together to learn and be inspired. Kim is now CEO of WOW Talks, a social enterprise, a social enterprise that uses a unique event format of multiple short talks and entertainment to inspire people to create a life doing what they love most.

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Isn’t it funny how as toddlers, we question absolutely everything? At three years old, it’s all about the ‘why’. Why is the sky blue? Why does a dog have four legs? Why do I have to eat green vegetables? Why does Mummy work? We’ve all experienced this phase with a toddler in one way or another, at times finding it exhausting.

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