Innovate My School

Innovate My School

Innovate My School empowers educators to think beyond traditional boundaries, lead proactively and, most importantly, feel inspired. It now entertains an audience of 50,000 educators through its weekly content, with 1,300 guest bloggers and over 2,500 articles published to date.

The role of a teacher has always been dynamic and demanding, challenging educators to adapt to the changing needs of students and society. Today, this adaptation involves embracing the digital revolution that is transforming the educational landscape. As we navigate through this era of rapid technological change, the potential for digital solutions to enhance classroom engagement and learning experiences is immense. This guide aims to explore the myriad ways in which digital tools can be harnessed to empower teachers, making the learning journey more interactive, engaging, and effective for students.

Digital technology in education is not just a fleeting trend; it represents a fundamental shift in how we approach teaching and learning. With each passing year, new tools and resources emerge, offering fresh and innovative ways to captivate the minds of learners. These digital solutions provide an avenue for educators to enhance their teaching methods, making lessons more accessible, personalised, and aligned with the realities of a world increasingly reliant on technology. This shift is not just about keeping pace with technological advances; it's about transforming the educational experience in a way that resonates with today's learners and prepares them for a future where digital fluency is key.

As we delve into this exploration, we will uncover the various facets of digital education, from understanding its growing significance to examining how it is reshaping the traditional classroom. We will look at key digital solutions that are making waves in today's classrooms, delve into strategies for maximising engagement through interactive technology, and discover how integrating online resources into teaching strategies can create a more dynamic learning environment. This journey will also involve evaluating the impact of these tools on student outcomes and exploring how they enhance collaborative learning.

Understanding the Digital Shift in Education

The shift towards digital education is not just about keeping up with technological trends; it's about responding to the learning needs of a new generation. Dr. Nicole Archard, Principal of Loreto College Marryatville, articulates this necessity succinctly: “In a world marked by rapid technological advancement and global connectivity, Generation Alpha requires digital literacy and especially the ability to critically analyse digital texts in order to assist children and adolescents in building resilience and, as a result, wellbeing outcomes." This statement captures the essence of our evolving educational landscape – one where digital literacy becomes as fundamental as traditional literacy.

Digital education is more than just a new teaching tool; it's a bridge to a world that students are already a part of. Our students are digital natives, born into a world where information is at their fingertips, where global connectivity is a given, and where digital interaction is a significant part of their daily lives. The classroom, therefore, must reflect this reality. It must be a space that not only acknowledges but embraces and integrates the digital world in which our students live.

Key Digital Solutions for Today's Classrooms

In recent years, there has been a significant investment in educational technology, with £583 million invested in UK EdTech companies. This investment reflects a growing recognition of the importance of digital tools in education. Carrie Anne Philbin, a computing teacher and director of learning at the Institute of Imagination, points out the creative potential of integrating digital skills into the curriculum. She notes, "Thinking creatively about how digital skills are incorporated into a school’s curriculum can yield numerous benefits and can boost pastoral provision just as well as subject teaching. Pupils can code, for example, as a way to express how they feel or build how emotions might look, bringing a fun, creative element to emotional self-regulation as well as teaching early game development."

The surge in digital solutions for the classroom is not just about providing new tools but about reimagining how education can be delivered. From interactive whiteboards to educational apps and online platforms, these technologies offer diverse ways to engage students, cater to different learning styles, and make learning more accessible and inclusive.

Maximising Engagement with Interactive Technology

Interactive technology has become a cornerstone of modern education, with approximately 64% of UK schools now embedding technology into everyday teaching and learning practices. This widespread adoption is transforming teaching approaches and learning outcomes. The use of interactive tools - from smart boards to educational software - not only makes learning more engaging but also allows for a more tailored educational experience that can cater to individual student needs.

This integration of technology in education is about more than just keeping students interested; it's about providing an interactive platform that encourages active learning and participation. By incorporating technology into lessons, teachers can create a more dynamic classroom environment that not only captures the attention of students but also fosters a deeper understanding of the material.

Integrating Online Resources into Your Teaching Strategy

When it comes to integrating online resources into educational strategies, not all digital tools are created equal. As stated in an article by Education Executive, "Not all EdTech created is equal, and its usefulness varies across learners. Teachers, being closest to the students, play a pivotal role in selecting high-quality EdTech that aligns with the specific needs of their learners." This statement underlines the importance of careful selection and integration of online resources to ensure they effectively meet the needs of students.

Look for valuable resources that offers a range of GCSE past papers, revision notes, resources, and exam questions. Utilising such resources in teaching strategies can have significant benefits. Past papers, for instance, are an excellent way for students to practice and understand exam formats, assess their knowledge, and identify areas for improvement. GCSE revision notes and resources provide students with concise and focused material for effective study, while GCSE exam questions help familiarise them with the type of questions they might encounter. The use of such comprehensive online resources enhances the teaching and learning experience, making it more efficient and targeted.

Personalising Learning with Digital Tools

Personalised learning, tailored to the unique needs and abilities of each student, is increasingly attainable through digital tools. These tools provide opportunities for students to learn at their own pace, in ways that best suit their learning styles and preferences. From adaptive learning software that adjusts to a student's level of understanding to online platforms offering a variety of learning modalities, digital tools are paving the way for a more individualised approach to education.

This personalisation extends beyond academic content. Digital tools also offer avenues for students to explore their interests and talents, whether that be through coding, digital art, or interactive storytelling. By providing a range of options and allowing students to take control of their learning journey, digital tools are making education a more engaging and enriching experience.

Evaluating the Impact: How Digital Tools are Changing Student Outcomes

The impact of digital tools on education is significant, reshaping not only teaching methods but also student outcomes. A study focusing on educational technology and student performance highlighted that digital technologies have initiated a paradigm shift in the entire education system. By systematically approaching instructional procedures and resources, these tools have shown to improve student performance. This shift is not merely about incorporating new gadgets into the classroom; it's about leveraging these tools to create more effective, engaging, and personalised learning experiences.

In terms of perception and acceptance, a staggering 88% of headteachers and 84% of teachers indicated positive views on the impact of technology on pupil attainment. This statistic reflects a growing consensus among education professionals about the value of integrating digital tools in enhancing student learning. These technologies are not just facilitating learning but are also playing a crucial role in tracking and improving student performance.

Collaborative Learning Enhanced by Digital Platforms

Digital platforms have revolutionised the concept of collaborative learning, breaking down traditional barriers and fostering a more inclusive and interactive learning environment. Ranjita Raman, CEO of Jaro Education, captures the essence of this transformation: "Virtual classrooms transcend physical boundaries, providing immersive and collaborative environments where students can learn and interact in real-time, creating an exciting new chapter in the evolution of education." This statement reflects the growing trend of using digital platforms to enhance collaborative learning experiences.

These platforms allow students to work together regardless of their physical location, enabling them to engage in group projects, discussions, and peer learning in a virtual space. This form of collaboration not only enhances learning outcomes but also prepares students for a future where remote and digital collaboration is increasingly commonplace in professional environments.

Conclusion: Empowering the Next Generation of Educators

As we explore the myriad ways in which digital solutions are enhancing classroom engagement, it's clear that these tools are not just optional extras in the modern educational landscape; they are essential components of a comprehensive and effective teaching strategy. By embracing these technologies, educators are not only enhancing their teaching methods but also preparing their students for a future where digital literacy is key.

The journey of integrating digital solutions into education is an ongoing one, filled with continuous learning and adaptation. It's about finding the right balance between traditional teaching methods and innovative digital tools. As educators, our role is to guide, inspire, and empower the next generation. By leveraging digital solutions, we are not only enhancing the learning experience for our students but also paving the way for a more interactive, inclusive, and effective education system.

In conclusion, the digital shift in education presents an exciting opportunity for teachers to redefine the classroom experience. By embracing these digital solutions, teachers can enhance engagement, personalise learning, evaluate impact, and foster collaborative learning, all of which are crucial in preparing our students for the challenges and opportunities of the future. As educators, it's our responsibility to stay at the forefront of this evolution, continuously exploring and integrating new technologies to empower both ourselves and our students in this ever-changing digital world.

Education, an ever-evolving realm, is witnessing a transformation that is both profound and exhilarating. Gone are the days when learning was confined to the four walls of a classroom, a place where knowledge was dispensed in a one-directional flow from teacher to student. Today, we stand at the cusp of an educational revolution, one where technology is not just an accessory, but a pivotal player in reshaping how we think about, engage with, and ultimately understand learning. This revolution is not just about the latest gadgets and gizmos; it’s a fundamental shift in the educational paradigm.

As we delve into this journey, we will explore various facets of how technology is redefining education. From bridging educational disparities to introducing innovative teaching methodologies, from navigating the challenges of integrating technology in schools to harnessing the power of data for decision-making, this exploration is a tapestry of insights, statistics, and expert opinions. It’s about understanding the dynamic interplay between technology and education and how this synergy is crafting a future that is more inclusive, interactive, and insightful.

In each section, we will unravel the threads of this transformation, weaving together a narrative that not only enlightens but also empowers educators, students, and all stakeholders in the educational ecosystem. So, let’s embark on this journey together and discover how technology is revolutionising education and shaping the future of learning.

Bridging the Gap: Technology as an Equaliser in Education

In addressing educational disparities, technology emerges not just as a tool, but as a bridge over the vast chasms of inequality. Michael Trucano, a voice of authority from The Brookings Institute, captures this sentiment eloquently: “In a world experiencing a global learning crisis, where as many as 70 percent of 10-year-olds in low- and middle-income economies can’t read and understand a basic text, over 244 million children and youth are out of school, and there is a projected global teacher shortage of almost 70 million teachers by 2030, a new wave of AI-enabled educational technology innovations can’t come too soon.” His words are a stark reminder of the urgent need for technology in democratising education.

This democratisation is not just about access, but about creating equal opportunities for quality education. Digital platforms, online resources, and AI-driven tools are breaking down geographical, financial, and societal barriers, offering a beacon of hope where traditional systems have faltered. It’s a narrative of change, where technology is not merely an aid, but a fundamental catalyst in reshaping the educational landscape to be more inclusive and equitable.

Innovative Teaching Methods: Beyond Traditional Classroom Boundaries

The realm of teaching is undergoing a seismic shift, moving away from traditional pedagogies to embrace methods that are as diverse as the students they aim to teach. Rajeev Ranjan, Founder and CEO of School Education, puts it succinctly: “Technology is revolutionizing education, fundamentally changing how students learn and teachers instruct.” His statement is backed by compelling statistics: a staggering 89% of K-12 teachers are now incorporating educational technologies in their classrooms, signalling a transformative trend in teaching methodologies.

These technologies are not just changing how teachers teach, but also how students learn. Interactive tools, virtual labs, and digital collaborative spaces are fostering a learning environment that is dynamic, engaging, and tailored to the diverse needs of students. It’s a paradigm where learning is no longer passive but an active, immersive experience. This shift is not just about keeping up with the times; it’s about reimagining education in a way that resonates with a generation for whom technology is a native language.

Challenges and Opportunities: Integrating Technology in Schools

While the integration of technology in education opens new horizons, it is not without its challenges. David Moinina Sengeh, Chief Minister for the Government of Sierra Leone, highlights a critical aspect often overlooked: “There is a gap between the expected benefits of technology on education management and their realization. Seemingly trivial issues such as maintenance and repair of infrastructure can be ignored or underestimated.” His insight sheds light on the practical hurdles that schools face in making technology an integral part of education.

Moreover, the conversation around technology in education isn’t just about infrastructure. It extends to its application in pedagogy. As Dr. Vaughan Connolly, a teacher and educator in discussion with the University of Cambridge, wisely points out, “The question is not whether to use ChatGPT in schools, but how to do so safely, effectively, and appropriately.” His statement encapsulates the broader challenge: the need for schools to not only adopt technology but to do so in a way that is beneficial, secure, and conducive to learning. It’s about finding that delicate balance between embracing innovation and ensuring that it aligns with educational goals and ethical standards.

The Power of Personalisation: AI in Education

The surge in AI’s role in education is not just a trend; it’s a transformative force. The AI education market, predicted to reach $20 billion by 2027, is a testament to its growing impact. AI’s prowess in personalising education is particularly noteworthy. As Meehirr K, an author for eLearning Industry, articulates, “AI can automate the assessment process and provide timely, personalised feedback to students. This helps students identify their areas of improvement and provides targeted suggestions for further learning.” This ability to tailor learning experiences to individual needs is one of the most powerful aspects of AI in education.

AI tools, such as AI quiz generators and question generators, are revolutionising how assessments are conducted. These tools not only automate the creation of quizzes but also adapt to the learning pace and style of each student, offering a more personalised and effective learning experience. This personalised approach is pivotal in a world where education is no longer a standard solution but a diverse and dynamic ecosystem catering to varied learning styles and needs.

Data-Driven Decision Making in Education

In the realm of education, the role of data has become increasingly pivotal. According to a recent Forbes survey, an overwhelming 90% of higher education leaders believe that data-driven decision-making is crucial for institutional success. This statistic underscores a fundamental shift towards a more analytical approach in managing educational institutions. The insights gleaned from data are not mere numbers; they represent a deeper understanding of student needs, educational outcomes, and the effectiveness of teaching methodologies.

An article by EdExec sums up the potential of this approach: “Data-driven decision making can help identify areas where students are struggling, address equity issues, and ensure effective resource allocation, leading to improved student outcomes and more informed decision making.” This perspective highlights how data can be a powerful tool in enhancing the quality of education, offering a roadmap for educators and administrators to navigate the complex landscape of teaching and learning.

Empowering Teachers with Tech Tools

The empowerment of educators through technology is a critical aspect of the educational revolution. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) reveals a telling statistic: 53% of teachers believe that increasing students’ access to individual computers makes teaching easier and more effective. This insight reflects a growing recognition of the role of technology in enhancing teaching methodologies.

In Europe, initiatives like the SELFIE tool for TEACHERS, developed by the European Commission, are exemplifying this trend. This tool is designed to help educators assess their use of technology and find ways to integrate it effectively in their teaching practices. It’s a resource that underscores the commitment to not only equip classrooms with technology but also to empower teachers to use these tools to enrich the educational experience. These efforts signify a broader movement towards a more tech-savvy and empowered teaching workforce, capable of leveraging technology to foster a more engaging and impactful learning environment.

Navigating the Digital Transition: Challenges for Institutions

The shift towards a digitally integrated educational system is not without its hurdles, especially at the institutional level. Mark Buzinkay, in his commentary for Identec Solutions, sheds light on a critical challenge: “A notable lack of professionals with the necessary expertise for digital transformation often exists, presenting a talent challenge for organizations.” This statement encapsulates a key obstacle many institutions face: the scarcity of skilled professionals adept at managing and facilitating the digital transition in education.

This challenge is multifaceted, involving not just the technical aspect of digital transformation but also the need for a cultural shift within educational institutions. The process requires a comprehensive strategy that encompasses training educators, updating curricula, and investing in sustainable technology infrastructure. It’s a journey that calls for a nuanced understanding of both the potential and the pitfalls of integrating technology in education, ensuring that digital tools enhance rather than hinder the learning process.

Future Skills: Preparing Students for a Digital World

As we look towards the future, the role of education in preparing students for a digital world becomes increasingly paramount. The landscape of work and life is continually reshaped by technological advancements, and the skills required for future success are evolving rapidly. Education systems around the globe are tasked with not just imparting knowledge, but also with equipping students with the skills to navigate and thrive in a digitally driven world.

This imperative goes beyond teaching technical skills; it’s about fostering adaptability, critical thinking, and digital literacy. It involves creating learning environments that encourage innovation, problem-solving, and a lifelong learning mindset. As technology continues to permeate every aspect of our lives, the goal of education must be to prepare students not just for the jobs of today but for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow’s digital landscape.

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More than two million children have taken part in Aldi, Team GB and ParalympicsGB’s Get Set to Eat Fresh programme since its launch in 2015. With the excitement of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and more exciting resources, this number is set to rise to three million by the end of 2024

This summer, the programme challenged pupils to design a new lorry for Aldi which would inspire people across the UK to enjoy healthy and sustainable food. After over twelve-thousand entries, winners across the country have been chosen, and their lorries have come to life!

The first prize winners are Joshua from Mottram C of E Primary School, Victoria from Firrhill High School and Sara from Whitmore High School, all of whom won £1,000 for their schools, £100 Aldi vouchers, goody bags from Team GB and ParalympicsGB, and in-person school visits from Team GB and ParalympicsGB athletes, accompanied by real Aldi lorries bearing their winning designs.

The competition is part of Aldi, Team GB and ParalympicsGB’s award-winning school initiative, Get Set to Eat Fresh. Get Set to Eat Fresh encourages pupils to develop a love and curiosity about healthy and sustainable food and give them the knowledge and skills they need to cook nutritious and low-cost meals for themselves.

Joshua, aged 10 from Mottram C of E Primary School, was awarded first prize in England and was visited by Tokyo 2020 Olympic Silver Medallist in weightlifting, Emily Campbell to share the good news.

Joshua’s teaching assistant and Eco team leader, Michelle Craik, tells us about the experience: “Josh was over the moon and Emily’s appearance was such a brilliant start to the day. Everyone was so energised. Her talk inspired a discussion on aspirations and what the children want to achieve as well as the dedication needed to realise their dreams.

We will be asking the children at school to help choose how we spend the £1000 prize money. The Eco Team have already thought of getting some more plants or fruit trees for the allotment. They have begun to harvest fruits and vegetables, so it would be ideal to build on this.

Josh told his class he’s also won a £100 Aldi voucher and he decided to allocate £20 to buying fun things for his friends with it.

Later in the year, along with Josh’s teacher, Nicole Brocklehurst, we will be covering ‘how amazing is your body’. We will look at healthy eating with our pupils and the importance of a balanced diet, so we’ll definitely be using the Get Set to Eat Fresh resources in that lesson. I can also see how we’ll be able to incorporate them in our PSHE curriculum and even our Design and Technology classes.”

Find out more about the Get Set to Eat Fresh programme and get involved at

Monday, 07 August 2023 11:15

Empowered learning with Albert Teen

Take one cup of the UK curriculum, mix evenly with a dollop of Swedish edtech capabilities. Stir in the experience of teachers and feedback from students. Bake evenly for summer. The result? Albert Teen - an easy-to-use app and website designed to empower everyone in education.

Albert Teen is the latest offering from Albert, a Swedish company founded with the sole purpose of making knowledge and learning accessible to people from all walks of life. Committed to making a difference in the lives of students and teachers, Albert Teen brings together over 600 lessons and 15,000 exercises into a simple app and an easy-to-use website designed to support learning of maths and science for students aged 10-16.

With Albert Teen, the new school year can’t come soon enough. Students are set to start full of confidence as they grow into empowered, independent learners. Their teachers, already missing the classroom buzz, are looking forward to having more time to dedicate to being at the top of their game.

How does Albert Teen create empowered, independent learners?

 Surrounded by increasingly technical and complex edtech products, Albert Teen stands out from the crowd for its simplicity and responsiveness to the needs of Students and teachers.

- Students are drawn to Albert Teen for how fun and easy it is to use, helping create a natural love of learning.

- The more they use Albert Teen, the more empowered they become by the progress they see themselves making.

- As students take ownership of their learning, they can face challenges with greater confidence. This develops a natural growth mindset that spills over into other aspects of their school lives.

How does Albert Teen save teachers time?


Safe in the knowledge that the app and website are building the knowledge base of their students, Albert Teen saves teachers valuable time.

- Teachers do not need to spend significant amounts of time setting work or monitoring app data, as it is designed to be used independently by students.

- Every student has different needs and levels of understanding. Albert Teen gives them the chance to address gaps in their knowledge themselves, meaning teachers can spend less classroom time going over specific topics for individuals and more on whole-class learning.

- Teachers have more time to ask evaluative questions that deepen understanding and increase progress because the app gives students a stronger knowledge base.

Albert Teen is committed to helping everyone in education, whether it’s giving teachers valuable time back so they can be at the top of their game or empowering students with a love of learning.

That is one of the reasons why the app is currently free for the summer. It is also part of Albert Teen’s commitment to providing the best experience for users. By giving every student a chance to try the app over Summer, Albert Teen can gather invaluable feedback to make the upcoming version (set to be released in time for the new school year) as relevant and engaging as possible.

Visit Albert Teen now and see for yourself or email [email protected].

Sponsored content by Reading Solutions UK

In June 2023, Reading Solutions UK hosted a free online International Reading Conference in which educators from across the globe heard from thought leaders in education, literacy experts, and EdTech specialists on best practices to:

  • Develop a reading culture.
  • Accelerate students' reading growth.
  • Increase students' motivation to read.
  • Encourage reading for pleasure.
  • Implement digital reading strategies to ensure success.

Over the three days, some common themes emerged, which we would like to share with you all to inspire your practice.

1. Sharing knowledge

If you're looking to upskill, then the importance of sharing knowledge cannot be understated.

Knowledge can come from other teachers in your school, neighbouring schools, and even the broader community of educators on social media. If you are passionate about a subject or have an area of expertise, impart this to your colleagues or offer it to other schools in your local authority as CPD sessions – you never know, you may be provided CPD sessions in return.

2. Technology

Regarding more innovative uses of technology to increase engagement and interactivity, EdTech specialist Mark Anderson noted that sometimes no technology is best, mainly if not used effectively.

However, many speakers praised their consistent use of one-on-one iPads and the reading development programme Reading Plus.

3. Reading spaces

Many speakers mentioned the lack of a library within their schools, so they carefully and deliberately curated reading spaces using corridors, cupboards, and corners to create comfortable, casual, and inviting environments to encourage students to read for pleasure.

4. Reading rewards

Celebrating students' reading successes with all school staff and through certificates and newsletter mentions are great ways to encourage students' reading motivation and enjoyment.

Leanne Sayer, Teacher and Online Reading Lead at Ribbon Academy, shared that reading rewards in her school included tokens for a book vending machine and an opportunity to crack the code to 'The Cube' – a clear box with a prize inside.

Prizes don't have to be expensive, and Leanne shared that she sought support from her local community and business to donate prizes.

5. Reading for pleasure

Many speakers reflected on DfE reading for pleasure expert Teresa Cremin's sentiments that reading aloud is instrumental to reading for pleasure.

Teresa also shared reading needs to be led by learners and supported by educators and directed participants to the reading for pleasure website for further information.

6. Diversity and inclusion

The importance of text choice, particularly diversity within texts, was a sentiment echoed by all speakers. Professor Rudine Bishop's 'Windows and Mirrors' analogy was used to describe the significance.

Mirrors are instances where the reader can see themselves reflected within texts. This differs from windows, which offers the reader a view of experiences and lifestyles outside their own. Whether this is a story about a different culture, identity, or an event they have never experienced, this window expands their understanding, compassion, and perception of a concept they were unaware of. And for those whose life experiences have historically been forgotten, ignored, or misrepresented, these mirror texts are a long overdue reflection that works to empower, affirm, and inspire them.

Teresa noted that window and mirror texts aid reading for pleasure, claiming schools need a balance of 'old and gold, new and bold, and diverse texts'.

7. Personalised learning

Each session stressed the significance that there is no 'one size fits all' approach -personalised learning is essential.

Rewards should have a personalised scale for different groups, such as year groups, SEND pupils, and weaker readers.

8. Cross-curricular reading culture

Reading must be integrated across the curriculum to build a whole school reading culture effectively. As reading is the curriculum's gateway, students will improve in all curriculum subjects.

Staff should not be passive. Speakers advised that each subject teacher should be invested and have ownership over integrating reading development into their teaching and recommended CPD to achieve this.

9. Connections

The 'Reading House' model (adapted from Hogan, Bridges, Justice, and Cain, 2011) was frequently discussed. This reflects the connections between each reading skill and overall reading comprehension.

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Tips on strengthening the foundations include pre-teaching Tier 2 vocabulary and introducing books to the curriculum that link to those taught in earlier years.

Now what?

Hopefully, these takeaways have been helpful if you were looking for a few strategies to get your students to read effectively, efficiently, and for enjoyment.

Finally, if you feel overwhelmed after reading this list, here is one last takeaway from Reading Solutions UK's IRC23.

10. Relax

You will not be able to implement every single strategy – and you don't have to. Gradually launch and customise the methods you see fit. If they don't work, they don't work. You know your students best. Try another strategy until you find one that sticks.

To find out how Reading Solutions UK can help enable your students to read effectively, efficiently, and for enjoyment, visit their EdTech Impact profile page or email [email protected].

Choosing the right degree programme to match your career goals is an important decision for every student.

We all know that the health advice to any adult is to stay active throughout their lives and to include at least a moderate amount of exercise in our week. This advice applies to children too. Being physically active daily is essential for all kids' healthy growth and development, from babies to teenagers.

Are you concerned your students don't have the vocabulary knowledge to access the KS3/4 curriculum?

Tuesday, 18 April 2023 04:38

Free filmmaking course in London

If you teach at a school in or around London, this is a great initiative to give your students aged 13-16 an invaluable insight into the world of filmmaking. London Film School (LFS) has joined the National Saturday Club to create the new LFS Film & Media Saturday Club, which will launch on 8th October and will run for a total of 18 weeks at LFS in the heart of Covent Garden.

Following last year’s hugely successful series of free Virtual Fulfilment Centre tours, Amazon has announced new tour dates aimed to educate students on the opportunities available to them in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) careers. The tours are part of Amazon Future Engineer, a purpose-led childhood-to-career programme built to inspire, educate and enable children and young adults from lower-income backgrounds to try computer science.

Team GB and ParalympicsGB’s youth engagement programme Get Set has engaged with over 93% of UK schools since its launch prior to the London 2012 Olympic Games.

Monday, 27 February 2023 08:53

Fourth ‘JUST ONE Tree Day’ confirmed

On Friday 14 October (England) and Friday 30 September (Scotland), hundreds of schools will again take part in ‘JUST ONE Tree Day’ – an international non-uniform day where children are encouraged to bring in £1 to plant a tree and help reforest the planet.

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