Supporting the careers aspirations of your students with the trendence School Leaver survey

Trendence School Leaver Survey

The trendence School Leaver survey is an annual piece of research into students’ views on career and university options after leaving school/college. We use the research to create reports for schools and employers to let them what students want to do in the future, and to create The UK's 100 Most Popular Employers for School Leavers publication.

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At trendence we are committed to supporting students reach their career ambitions. We know that the world of careers guidance can be a confusing one, and so we have developed a survey to help demystify the careers aspirations of your students! Below we have detailed what the survey involves, and why you should take part.

What is the survey?

It is an annual careers survey that examines the future career preferences of school/college students (Year 8 to Year 13) in the UK. It asks questions on topics such as:

  • Their future plans.
  • Careers advice and support they receive at school.
  • Employers they want to work for and careers plans.
  • Apprenticeships and school leavers programmes.
  • University choices.

This data is then used to help create the publication The 100 Most Popular Employers for School Leavers, which is delivered for free to schools each year.

Get an insight report on the career preferences of your students

Through taking part in the research your school/college will receive a bespoke report on the responses of your students. This report will provide you a range of information to help support your careers provision such as:

  • The percentage of your students planning to straight into work, or go onto university.
  • What careers sectors the students have most interest in.
  • How they have found out about careers information and who they turn to for advice about their next steps.
  • Specific employers they would like to work for, or universities they would like to attend.
  • Plus much more.

To qualify for the report, we ask that at least 50 students from your school/college take part in the survey. There is no cost involved at all; we are simply looking to get as many students as possible to take part in the research.

How take part

To take part all you need to do is direct students to the survey:

If you would like to invite them by email then we have some handy text below to help with this:

Students, what does the future hold for you?

Are you planning to go to university? Do you want to start an apprenticeship? Do you have your ideal career planned out?

We want to know your thoughts on this and more!

Take 15 minutes to answer a few questions and you will be entered to win:

  • An iPad Air (given away at the end of the survey).
  • £50 Amazon voucher (given away each week!).

To take the survey, click here.

More information

Any support you could give on this would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions about the research, or would like to see an example copy of the report you will receive through taking part please don’t hesitate to contact me on the details below:

Tom McCann - [email protected] / 01491 828 925.

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