Peter Langley

Peter Langley

Peter Langley has spent 35 years in a classroom in Secondary schools and Sixth Form colleges. He has devoted a large part of his career to developing educational resources that encourage students to be active participants in their own learning. In 2008 he started the website Get Revising – a platform that enables students to collaborate and create their own resources. Today, the free learning website has helped over one million students boost their grades. It helps students to get organised and plan their studies with a smart, interactive study planner.

Follow @getrevising

All around the country, Secondary classrooms are peaceful and schools are going about their work as usual. Teachers are talking and students are (mostly) sitting politely, appearing to listen. Most teachers know that lecturing isn’t the most effective method of learning, so why do they default so readily to this tactic? What makes it so appealing, and what hidden messages does it give out?

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