Trendence School Leaver Survey

Trendence School Leaver Survey

The trendence School Leaver survey is an annual piece of research into students’ views on career and university options after leaving school/college. We use the research to create reports for schools and employers to let them what students want to do in the future, and to create The UK's 100 Most Popular Employers for School Leavers publication.

If you are looking for an activity to do with your students during National Careers Week, then we have just the thing for you! The trendence school / college leaver survey asks students about their future career aspirations, whether they are looking to go onto university or start an apprenticeship / school leaver programme.

At trendence we are committed to supporting students reach their career ambitions. We know that the world of careers guidance can be a confusing one, and so we have developed a survey to help demystify the careers aspirations of your students! Below we have detailed what the survey involves, and why you should take part.

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