Albert Adeyemi

Albert Adeyemi

Albert Adeyemi is a PE and Maths teacher in Bedford. He's passionate about pastoral care and enhancing outcomes for students from challenging backgrounds whilst advocating for mentoring as early intervention and alternate provision in school. Albert is also founded BAME: WeTeach, an open network promoting cultural diversity & inclusion in education.

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Events in the US, particularly the murder of George Floyd and subsequent fallout, has placed a massive spotlight on racism. Millions of people around the world currently have a front row seat via their phones of the levels of brutality, injustice, bias and inequality black people are subject to. Often there is a disconnect between US events and those here in the UK, however amidst the COVID-19 pandemic the world has taken notice, with protests taking place in a number of countries, the UK included. Black British citizens argue that the UK isn’t innocent, that it is also complicit in racial injustice, bias and inequality. Racism in the UK is usually described as covert, which means it’s more subtle and intertwined in society, making it less obvious. One example would be microaggressions, which I would say are more than just insensitive comments. I know from experience; these can be painful and stick with people for the long term. 

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