Daniela Baker

Daniela Baker

Daniela Baker is a blogger at CreditDonkey, where she helps college students budget and compare student credit card offers.

By Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com - FlickrThe Apple company and teachers everywhere are coming up with innovative ways to use the iPad. This small computer lets people save trees by no longer using pencil and paper. It streamlines meetings with parents. Better yet, it can make higher education cheaper for college students. Below are a few ways people are taking advantage of this relatively new electronic device.

Textbook Replacement
Oklahoma State University thinks that iPads can replace textbooks. They have already put this to the test on a small scale with success. This move requires every school textbook being made available in e-book form. The university estimates that students recover the cost of buying a $500 to $830 iPad within two semesters.

The chances of an electronic book being lost or broken (corrupted) are slim. In addition, e-books are cheaper than physical copies of a book. Overall, students stand to benefit a lot from a move to an all-electronic textbook world.

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