Daniel Edwards

Daniel Edwards

Daniel is a technology convert in the classroom: iPad, Social Media and Edmodo in use with a ‘flipped’ class. Currently conducting 1:1 iPad2 trial in school.

Follow @syded06

Monday, 30 April 2012 10:31

iPad trial – reflective discussion

iPad Trial Considerations:

1. Wireless network
2. Support
3. Listen (reflective discussion and concerns)

Wireless network

The number one consideration for iPad implementation is a wireless network. When the network functions, any issues with iPads can be overcome and usually are linked to the user not the technology. However, if the wireless is intermittent, learning with the iPad can be really hampered for some, particularly those who don’t have a firm grasp on use.

I have no doubt that when students and teachers are more comfortable with the technology they will be able to adapt to any wireless issue as the iPad has a myriad of applications for learning. However, if you have planned to use the browser, Socrative or Dropbox for example, then the network can provide a reason for apathy and barriers are formed.

Monday, 16 April 2012 12:43

The ‘flipped class’ report

Ah the ‘Flipped’ Class. Yet another educational concept based on previous practice and rebranded to suit modern vernacular?

‘Can you get the lesson recorded a bit earlier sir so we can see it?’ (student A)

‘Not sure about that but it seems you are happier about this way of learning now’ (teacher)

‘It’s alright’ (student A)

I think that’s progress and certainly a step ahead of where we were. I am a ‘flipped’ class convert, even if the term doesn’t quite fit, and I believe it has real merit as the pedagogy develops.

Thursday, 12 April 2012 15:08

iPad and the lesson observation

With the spectre of OFSTED hanging over schools and the new framework unsettling leadership teams across the land, it seems pertinent to link the ‘Quality of Teaching’ grid to my technology filled ‘flipped’ lessons.

The ‘flipped class’ is best summed up by Jon Bergmann, Jerry Overmyer and Brett Wilie in The Flipped Class: Myths vs. Reality (2012).

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