Julia Damassa

Julia Damassa

Julia trained professionally as an actor and teacher, spending twenty-five years in both theatre and education. She is now considered to be a 'teacher-preneur' due to her success in BBC Dragons' Den as the inventor of play-based resources Story Shapes and Tapestory.

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I love the inclusiveness of games; how any focused activity can draw in people of all ages.

I love games that require creative and strategic thinking. It is refreshing to play a game where the emphasis isn't on winning and losing - but then again, I love it when they are.

I especially love seeing teachers demonstrate how flexible and innovative teaching approaches can be by incorporating games, puzzles and quizzes into lessons, and how one classroom can be transformed into a creative playground by simply moving some desks around.

As parents and family members, we all witness our children’s natural instinct to play. The frontal lobes of their brain are barely developed and yet it seems second nature to swap effortlessly between 'leader' and 'follower' roles, drawing on their basic knowledge and understanding of their environment, experiences and their powerful and infectious imaginative capacity.

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