Neil Hawkes

Neil Hawkes

Neil is the founder of the International Values Education Trust (IVET), which promotes the Philosophy of Valuing, and its practical application, Values-based Education (VbE). Neil currently works as an international educational consultant promoting VbE throughout the world. Neil’s career in the UK encompasses teaching, three headships, and educational leadership in county education authorities. Neil is well known as an inspirational speaker, broadcaster and writer. His latest book is called, From My Heart, transforming lives through values.

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Thursday, 05 December 2013 16:59

Transform your teaching through values

Please imagine the scene: two proud Year 2 pupils showing me Oatlands Infant School in Surrey. Head teacher, Pat Beechy had asked them to talk to me about what the school was doing to show its values. I was taken to the entrance hall to look at a fabulous display depicting the school's values as part of a beautiful tree. I asked them to explain to me what values are and was told by Sam, “Values help us to be happy and keep you out of trouble.” Sophie added, “They help you throughout your life…when you are angry they help you to come into a better mood.” I asked her which value she would think about if she felt angry and after a moment’s reflection she said, “Um…Peace!“

Such a discussion with children is powerful evidence as to why, increasingly, teachers and schools are teaching and modeling positive human values such as respect, trust, tolerance and responsibility.

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