James Hannam

James Hannam

A teacher for ten years, James has had many roles from IT support manager, to form tutor, senior leader and consortium lead. Renowned for his enthusiasm and love of technology, he has completed a wide and demanding range of projects including; leading a £500k+ multi institute project, overhauling IT infrastructure, delivering keynotes at BETT, overseeing curriculum development across the UK, and working with teacher training universities to prepare the new wave of teachers.

Now as a co-founder of the business LearnMaker, James enjoys enthusing staff and students, with a clear focus on impacting on teaching and learning with technology!

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Friday, 12 December 2014 12:00

Using 3D printers in the classroom

3D printing is an exciting field, but how should schools approach it if they’re interested? James Hannam, experienced teacher and tech-innovator, discusses how he’s used 3D printers over the years, and looks at the options available to teachers.

After reading Peter Jones’ excellent article on 3D printing in the latest Innovate My School magazine, I wanted to offer my findings as a teacher (of all things geek). I am hoping that this piece will give you an informal starting point to the possibilities and considerations of 3D printing in the classroom.

How do schools go about using their allocated funds? Learnmaker co-founder James Hannam takes a look at the best methods available to school staff.

In the 2014-15 academic year, English schools will receive their biggest ever pot of pupil premium, the additional funding designated to disadvantaged pupils to help ‘narrow the gap’ in the classroom. For any child eligible for free schools meals in the last 6 years, primary schools have access to £1,300 per student, while secondary school pupil premium have risen to £935 per student. Each year this funding has steadily increased, and yet the numbers show that the gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers is still as wide as ever in the diverging demographics of the classroom.

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