Lani Cox

Lani Cox

Lani Cox currently teaches English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Chiang Rai, Thailand. She has taught in Chiang Mai and did her TESOL training in Bangkok. She has also taught EFL in Cuenca, Ecuador and has studied Montessori and Waldorf elementary education. Prior to moving abroad she was a Waldorf teacher in the US. Her first book is called the missing teacher. Lani blogs about her expat experiences, teaching and writing at Life, the Universe and Lani.

Follow @lanivcox

Since I was a child, I wanted to work and live abroad, but like many dreams they are forgotten under the layers we call Life. I grew up on the Hawaiian island of O’ahu, and I used to tilt my head back and look at the airplanes, wondering where they were going or where they had come from.

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