Just as interactive whiteboards revolutionised our classrooms ten years ago, visualisers (sometimes called document cameras) are set to change the way educators teach and children learn over the next decade.

Visualisers enhance teaching cross curricula – but more than that, they support key educational strategies. Here's a few examples of how visualisers are already improving teaching and learning:

If you’re considering buying a visualiser, you’ve no doubt heard good things about how they enhance teaching. You may be aware of some of the things visualisers can do but would like to grow your knowledge.

Visualisers do what they say. They let you and your class visualise anything and everything. Anything that needs demonstrating; anything that needs showing; anything that needs sharing.

In a nutshell, they convert all things non-digital into a digital format, which you can then manipulate, save and share like any other digital image.

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