Applying Kanban principles to departmental leadership and communication

Sam Marfleet

Sam is a Director of English at an academy in Norwich and has been teaching for eight years; he is committed to blogging and collaborative approaches to developing teaching and learning. He regularly blogs the successful implementation of SOLO in the classroom, as well as the development of metacognitive strength in pupils. In the classroom he ipis a techno-enthusiast always exploring ways of improving and facilitating great learning experiences. Sam has worked with Norfolk LEA advising on successful APP strategies.

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Sam Marfleet discusses implementing the 'Kanban method' as a project management tool for departmental improvement plans. This method places an emphasis on initiating smaller and more gradual changes to the department that respects current roles and responsiblities, in contrast to a more sweeping and high-risk approach.

In an organisational framework, Sam defines 6 steps of progression from entertaining an idea to deciding how to execute it, and ultimately evaluate its effectiveness.

I want to ask a question about team improvement plans and whether they are the most valuable method of communicating the developmental needs of a department.

Do they translate into efficient practices? Are they understood and regularly considered by the team? Can anyone look at such a plan and understand what a department's priorities and actions are within, say, a two week period?

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