Non face-2-face verbal feedback with the iPad

Jarod Bormann

Jarod was previously a middle school and high school English teacher for seven years. In his last three years, his school went 1:1 with iPads in grades 9-12. Jarod has received his Masters in Instructional Technology and is now a Technology Integration Specialist where he helps other teachers integrate technology into their own classrooms.

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When it comes to learning, feedback is critical. So when it comes to one's writing, the principle is no different.

I have been teaching English for only six years but have struggled with this feedback process time and time again. I realise it is the most important part, and yet to do it effectively, I must commit literally hours to making sure I do it right. It's the proverbial thorn in my side.

Then when we went 1:1 with iPads in December of 2011, we discovered Notabilty. I played around with it and at first was impressed. I thought it to be a very versatile note-taking app. Then I discovered that it also has the ability to record audio along with the notes. And that's when the lightbulb exploded.

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