Using badges for learning

Martin Waller

Martin is a teacher and educational researcher with an interest in creative learning and multiliteracies. He currently works as a primary school teacher but is active within the new literacy research community. Martin has shared his findings at a range of events and conferences across the UK and recently in Australia. He has authored book chapters about the use of social media and digital technologies in the classroom.

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Inspired by the work of leading educators, Martin Waller explains how his class have embraced the notion of rewarding badges for both online and offline activities through a simple, yet innovative low-tech process.

A couple of months ago I wrote about introducing badges for learning onto my class blog to link specifically to my classroom management system both in the online and offline world.

I had initially encountered badges from the likes of Foursquare and GetGlue where ‘checking in’ to locations and films allowed me to earn badges/stickers.

Foursquare and GetGlue initially sowed the seed of how digital rewards may be used in my classroom. It wasn’t until I encountered Doug Belshaw’s tweets and blog posts about #openbadges that I began to think in a more concrete way about how such an idea could be embedded in my classroom.

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