Chris Bateman

Chris Bateman

As head of technology, enterprise and e-learning at Wheatley Park School, Chris has been co-led his school’s 1:1 journey. A teacher first and foremost, Chris is passionate about technology supporting teaching and learning and firmly believes that technology is a tool for learning and not the tool for learning. As a Computing and Business specialist, he is the SCITT subject lead for Oxfordshire, and plays an active role as a board member for Young Enterprise.

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Wednesday, 25 July 2018 10:00

Why your school needs Young Enterprise

Recent research from the Prince’s Trust has revealed some alarming statistics about the young people in Britain. Nearly a fifth of young people “think they will amount to nothing”, and 43% of young people don’t feel prepared to enter the workforce when they leave Secondary education. When the research moves to industries, it is evident that 67% of employers don’t feel like school-leavers have the necessary soft skills (communication, teamwork, resilience) to thrive in the workplace.

I am very proud to work at Wheatley Park School, a school where ‘everyone learning’ comes first, a school where everyone is caring, and a school that is incredibly proud to be the only Secondary school in Oxfordshire with a 1:1 policy. Every member of our school community, both students and staff has their own Chromebook, that they use in lessons and at home, when appropriate to do so.

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