6 steps to pupil tracking perfection

Chris Scarth

Chris Scarth is the founder of Classroom Monitor. Providing the easiest and fastest way to record assessment, Classroom Monitor is fully flexible to any school curriculum. It makes sense of your data in a way that other trackers can’t, and delivers perfect reports for all your school’s stakeholders. Our goal is the same as yours: to improve teaching and learning for every child. It’s why we’re trusted by 40,000 educators in over 2,500 schools.

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Since creating the first version of Classroom Monitor over 12 years ago, I have seen both technology and assessment change beyond recognition. Now, pupil trackers come in all shapes and sizes; whether it’s using Excel or a web-based assessment application, you need to do more than just collect data. My founding principle has always been that assessment systems should fundamentally: save time, follow your specific curriculum and engage all your school stakeholders with actionable insights. But how should schools choose the best assessment solution for them?

There are six key elements you need to consider:

1. Do more than just collect data: What’s the point of data? You need it for accountability, and it’s useful to compare cohorts, but does it truly impact learning? That’s why your tracker needs to do much more than feed you numbers; it should help you identify how to make improvements to them.

2. The solution should save you and your teachers time: You didn’t get into teaching for the admin, so cut the time you are spending analysing assessment. A great tracker will only need data inputting once. That same data should then be automatically transformed into one-click reports, without you having to manually crunch numbers.

3. Your tracker needs to match your curriculum: This is vital for planning, and priceless when it comes to Ofsted inspections. Your tracker should:

  • Spot gaps in curriculum coverage by objective.
  • Help you target your lesson plans around weaker areas.
  • Show progress in specific subjects and strands.

4. Present the data in a format you can use: With as little effort as possible, you need to be able to present your data in multiple formats - live data dashboards, dynamic graphs and charts, as well as basic, granular and comparative tracking.

5. Link your multiple data sources together: Have you got too many pieces in your data jigsaw? Storing different types of assessment information in different places makes it impossible to see the bigger picture. Your system should help you see it all; sync with your MIS, allow you to import test scores, and collect learning evidence.

6. Engage and involve all the school’s stakeholders in the learning process: Ofsted, parents, governors... they all need to see evidence of pupil progress. You need to be able to export and present data simply, in a format that’s going to work for them. Easy-to-digest data helps them to understand the good job your school is doing.

Here’s what schools say about the impact of an effective assessment solution:

“It’s enabled us to raise standards in reading, writing and Maths through close monitoring and tracking of individual pupils. As a result, our data has improved over the past year, as teachers now have strong ownership of their class data, and analyse it thoroughly to ensure all children are maximising their potential. Staff confidence in this area has grown significantly.” - Ian Rockey, headteacher at Westwood-with-Iford Primary School

“It’s become integrated into our every classroom practice, rather than just a place for teachers to store data. This has allowed their data to become an integral part of the assessment and learning cycle, and this is the key to using it successfully. Classroom Monitor has become a vital planning aid for us a result.” - Stefan Morsley, deputy head at Whitelands Park Primary

Visit www.classroommonitor.co.uk for more information, and click here to request a demonstration with an assessment specialist.

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