Nicholas Garrick

Nicholas Garrick

Nicholas Garrick is the director of Lighting Up Learning. As an executive coach, Nicholas works with people to explore possibilities and solutions, and as facilitator and consultant, he looks for the potential to create sustainable impact. As the co-creator of Curious-city, programme director of Teaching Futures and part-time associate headteacher, Nicholas is dedicated to enhancing teaching and learning alike. He also works as an international consultant across the world including being part of the British Council School Leadership Team.

Follow @lightinguplearn

Thursday, 29 March 2018 10:00

Beware... of PowerPoint petrification

It is a beautiful March day: slight breeze, sun’s out, chilly with the feeling that spring is nearly there. I am sitting at the back of a 2nd floor classroom facing a newly-qualified teacher as part of his mentoring support, observing a lesson. His target: pupil engagement. He is at the front of a twitchy, but generally well-behaved Year 5 class standing at the interactive whiteboard. The activity seems engaging - learners are invited to come up to the board and use labels to match parts of trees, comparing these to flowers and plants. Either side of the whiteboard are large windows. The one to his right faces out over the city - a great view. The one to his left overlooks the school field, with more trees than I can count.

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