EdTech Workshop


At a time of critical change within the UK, preparing our children for life in the Fourth Industrial Revolution cannot be left to chance, or to a few teachers creating pockets of excellence in using educational technology. Every day, a teacher will create, develop and evaluate new ways to make learning better, more innovating, and engaging to a student. In the digital age, this kind of innovation and disruption is being accelerated by the availability of an ever-increasing array of learning technologies, which teachers are expected to use both effectively and efficiently.

It is essential that school leaders have an effective strategy transformation, creating a culture of acceptable disruption that can lead to better learning for all. There is no standard method for great learning, even in the age of AI, but strategic leadership is needed to create the conditions in which meaningful learning can flourish.

This workshop, created and delivered by Dr Neelam Parmar, is designed to support educational technology leaders who are committed to long-term digital transformation. It is aimed at principals, senior and middle leaders. It has a strategic approach and will engage delegates in creating an embedded approach to digitalisation with measurements and outcomes. Delegates will leave with a mini implementation plan to commence their own brave and bold technology journey.


neelam profile

Dr Neelam Parmar is the Educational Technologist at United Learning Trust, providing strategic support to ensure United Learning's schools are making outstanding use of technology. Previously, she was Director of E-Learning at Ashford School, and was instrumental in leading the transformational change of embedding technology within teaching, learning and development. Neelam completed her PhD in Developing a Pedagogy while using New Technology, and regularly keynotes at technology conferences around the world..


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