Innovate My School

Innovate My School

Innovate My School empowers educators to think beyond traditional boundaries, lead proactively and, most importantly, feel inspired. It now entertains an audience of 50,000 educators through its weekly content, with 1,300 guest bloggers and over 2,500 articles published to date.

Would you really replace your specs with a computer? Or wear a camera on your head?

It can only be a matter of time (and maybe not too much money) before Google Glass, or 'Glasses' as I call them, glide gracefully through the classroom doors and onto the heads of every boy, girl and teacher who cannot escape the futuristic amazement of this augmented reality phenomenon. Well, so they say.

If you haven't heard of Google's latest innovation - in essence a pair of fake glasses with the functionality of a Chromebook displayed to you in its right lens - then I suggest you check it out. It is a glimpse into the future.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013 15:48

What is the key to a successful education system?

Education Secretary Michael Gove wants to change the primary and secondary school curriculums in England.

He has said he wants pupils to be taught a "core knowledge" of facts and figures. He wants them to be able to recite their times tables, punctuate a sentence correctly and list capitals of the world.

The education systems in Hong Kong, Finland, and South Korea are often lauded as among the best in the world, scoring highly in international league tables.

Here academics suggest reasons why the state-run education system in these countries is top of the class.

Photo credit: Wootang01

As 3D printing becomes more accessible to the public, educators are learning how this technology can revolutionise the classroom.

How 3D Printing Will Revolutionize the Classroom

Image courtesy of

Thursday, 12 April 2012 14:09

A device that students really want to use

Why the iPad for Education?

This question has become a hot topic for a lot of blogs and news outlets that I follow. Some tout how much more students learn with the device and others warn against the overuse of the device. In the end, I’m pretty sure that this leaves wary school administrators and technology decision makers apprehensive about investing in the device. All of this noise distracts these well intentioned people from a fact that is right on Apple’s Education page:

Friday, 13 January 2012 13:10

Best value statements

Are there any sample 'best value' statements? We link to examples of school best value statements. We also refer to local authority guidance on writing your best value statement.

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